This will be a blog post.

I will write a long entry so I can see how the formatting and spacing and other stuff work out, although – to be perfectly frank – it is already getting boring. It’s really very tedious to try to make up things to say just to fill space.  And since this is the same text that will be in every “test” post, I should probably care whether it makes sense.  Because otherwise, nobody will know what I’m doing.  Least of all, me.  But hey, I’ve never let that stop me before.

Here’s me testing the “sub-header” thing.

I wonder if this Heading 2 is what I want.

Probably not, but there’s always hope.  In fact, if it works out, it will be a miracle.  I don’t know if the spacing after the headline is going to make sense, and also wonder whether I have to add more spacing before the headline.

Or is Heading 3 better to look at?

It reverts to “paragraph” pretty easily.  I’m getting really, really bored coming up with stuff to type.  If anyone reading this (assuming there IS anyone reading this) knows of any interesting sources of stuff I can type to take up space, let me know.

Not to be picky, but FWIW, those heading styles have some really weird spacing above-and-below.  Meh.


Now I’m going to try inserting some pictures.  I don’t know what I did before to put a picture in the middle of a post so that it wasn’t full-size.  But here goes nuthin’.

Well, THAT didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. I’ll try something else. I see in the code that it is “size – medium”, so maybe I just get to play with that for a little while. Just for the heck of it, I’ll change the “medium” to “large” for this next one.

I don’t notice any difference between the “size” settings here.  Maybe I’ll come up with something more interesting later.  (It couldn’t possibly be LESS interesting, so I guess things can only get better from here on out.)

Well, I’m all excited now that I found out there’s a “horizontal line” thingie that I can insert randomly into posts, in hopes that they will look more sophisticated.   Chances are slim, but we’ll check it out.